There was a shipment out from USA to Malaysia on Mar 1st, 2011.
Do let me know should you have any inquiry or concern ya!
Mar 1st, 2011 Shipment:
Adibah Adam - Pos Laju EN491452370MY (5/29/2011)
Anees AA - Pos Laju 456402876MY (3/16/2011)
Adisti Zol. - EN491452321MY (5/22/2011)
Farah K. - Pos Laju EN456402893MY (3/16/2011)
Fazliaton MN FB - Pos Laju EN494368234MY (3/30/2011)
Iza Dalina FB - Pos Laju 456402859MY (3/16/2011)
Iza KIC - Pos Laju EN494364657MY (3/30/2011)
Julia J. - Pos Laju EN494364665MY (3/30/2011)
- Pos Laju EN494368150MY (4/11/2011)
Najib Kha. - Pos Laju EN494364674MY (3/30/2011)
Nor Azlina MS - Pos Laju EN456402916MY (3/17/2011)
Norhuda H. - Pos Laju EN494368248Y (4/7/2011)
Raihan Lam - Pos LajuEN456403620MY (3/16/2011)
Safiah Semat FB - Pos Laju EN494364820MY (4/3/2011)
Sophianna I. - Pos Laju EN949368194MY (3/30/2011)
wawa - Pos Laju EN456402831MY (3/16/2011)
Zeera Yatt FB - Pos Laju EN456402916MY (3/17/2011)
3/8/2011 - I think the box might be detailed by customs, waiting for letter or any news, will keep you updated.
3/12/2011 - Received the customs letter, finally!!! All paperwork were submitted to them on 3/13/2011, the box should be released by this week, will keep you updated.
3/19/2011 - I think I should be getting the box by middle of next week,stay tune!!!
3/22/2011 - I finally received the box, please pay your balance so that I can start arranging your pos laju, thanks!
Label/Receipt Number: CP80 3508 482U S
Class: Priority Mail International Parcels
Service(s): International Parcels
Status: Delivered Abroad
Your item was delivered in MALAYSIA at 1:15 pm on March 29, 2011.
Detailed Results:
Delivered Abroad, March 29, 2011, 1:15 pm, MALAYSIA | |
Out of Foreign Customs, March 19, 2011, 6:08 pm, MALAYSIA | |
Into Foreign Customs, March 07, 2011, 3:18 pm, MALAYSIA | |
Into Foreign Customs, March 07, 2011, 8:55 am, MALAYSIA | |
Arrived Abroad, March 07, 2011, 8:54 am, MALAYSIA | |
International Dispatch, March 03, 2011, 11:36 am, ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS) | |
Arrival | |
Acceptance, March 01, 2011, 7:42 pm, MERRIFIELD, VA 22081 |